Miles Away

This blog is dedicated to my wonderful son, Miles. Many of our friends and family don't live in Reno, so this is a virtual way to see how he's doing and how quickly he's growing.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Maybe... Maybe Not...

Well, Miles may not have impetigo, or maybe he does. No one seems to know just what he has, but I know that I want him to get better soon. His sores have now spread up his legs to his stomach, chest, and arms. He is constipated from his antibiotics, doesn't sleep but an hour at a time, and is generally miserable.

He had a culture taken on Monday at his doctor (who is a family practitioner and not a pediatrician). They had to peel off one of his scabs using a scapel and vigorously rub a cotton swab over the open wound. This sample was taken to the lab where they plan to "grow" the bacteria for a week to see what it is.

His follow-up appointment is on Monday, and he has another appointment scheduled on Tuesday with a dermatologist, just in case. He may have some rare skin disorder, but my doctor doesn't want me to freak out too badly.

In good news, he can walk like a mad-man. That means that he's everywhere and is into everything. He looks like a sumo wrestler because he's a little chunky and has bow legs. He waddles all over the place and falls down as soon as he tries to run.

He loves our dog, Doug, a six-month-old
American Bulldog. And Doug loves Miles. They share kisses all the time, but it's not as gross as you might think. Miles thinks our cat, Penny, will be just as lovable, but he finds time and time again that she's not into that.

My husband comes home tonight, and I'm so excited to get as close to a full night's sleep as possible. It's hard living away from him Monday through Friday... I feel like I'm a single mom. It'll be nice to sleep a solid six or seven hours for once.


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