Miles Away

This blog is dedicated to my wonderful son, Miles. Many of our friends and family don't live in Reno, so this is a virtual way to see how he's doing and how quickly he's growing.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Oh my sweet little baby

I wish so much that I could upload a picture of Miles sleeping right now. He is an angel! I keep hearing that I'm getting a digital camera for graduation, so we'll have to wait and see.

Miles turned 7 months on Sunday. On Tuesday, he said his first word, Mama. Oh the joy of hearing a two-syllable word from your child's mouth when you know they know your name. It's like Cheers, and I'm Norm. Picture this: he looks like a fish opening for air at the top of an aquarium, and the sound seems to fall out of his mouth. No matter how unintentional it may be, it's my joy for the week that I wanted to share with you.

In other news, Saturday I walk across the stage and receive a diploma that says, "You haven't graduated yet. Your real diploma is in the mail" - or something to that effect. I hope by this time next week, you all will get to see my ray of sunshine, the apple of my eye, the toot in my horn, etc. Until then, here is what he was for Halloween:


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